100 AgentServer 101 Microsoft Agent 102 Open &Commands Window 103 Close &Commands Window 106 Microsoft Agent P&roperties 107 Hide 108 Hide &All Characters 109 Show 110 E&xit Microsoft Agent 111 Microsoft Agent Properties 112 "%1s" 113 Microsoft Agent Commands 114 %1s commands 115 Hide %1s 116 %1s 117 hide all [characters] 118 hide %1s 119 [show] %1s 120 Microsoft Agent is running. 121 Microsoft Agent is suspended. 122 Press and hold the %1s key to give %2s %3s commands. 123 Press and hold the %1s key to give %2s commands. 124 Press and hold the %1s key and say %2s. 125 for "%1s" commands. 126 for commands. 127 Say %1s to talk to this character. 128 Open Commands Window 129 ( ( show | open ) [the] commands [window] | what can I say [now] ) 130 Close Commands Window 131 ( hide | close ) [the] commands window 134 Microsoft Agent Properties 135 [(open | show)] [microsoft] agent ( properties | property sheet ) 136 Close Microsoft Agent Property Sheet 137 ( close | hide ) [microsoft] agent ( properties | property sheet ) 140 Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. 141 The speech recognition system failed to properly initialize. You will be unable to use speech input with Microsoft Agent. 143 %1s 144 %1s 145 %1s 146 %1s 147 &Restart Microsoft Agent 148 There are applications currently using Microsoft Agent.\nExiting now could have unpredictable effects.\n\nAre you sure you want to exit? 149 Microsoft Agent heard %1s 150 Global Commands 152 -- %1s is listening -- 153 -- %1s is not listening -- 154 -- %1s heard -- 155 The microphone wizard could not be initialized. 156 The microphone wizard could not be started. 157 An unexpected error occurred in the microphone wizard. 158 Microsoft Agent cannot find the component AgentHks.dll which\nis necessary for speech recognition. You will not be able\nto use speech input. 159 &Hide 160 (command undefined) 161 Say the name of a character to display it. 162 -- All characters are hidden -- 163 Press and hold the %1s key to talk to %2s. 164 %1s heard "%2s". 165 %1s is listening for "%2s" commands. 166 %1s is listening for commands. 168 Heard "%1s". 169 No character can be displayed. 170 -- No character is available -- 171 Please wait to speak. 172 -- %1s is speaking -- 173 -- A character is speaking -- 174 -- %1s is preparing to listen -- 175 I didn't say anything. 176 global commands 177 " " 178 -- No voice commands are active -- 179 -- %1s can't listen right now -- 180 All voice commands will be ignored.